all my sorrows seem so far away,
and oh I believe in yesterday
An accordionist is playing the song that I just sang. This song brings back old memories of my brother, uncle and I when we would go for singing lessons together. While my uncle would try his very best to sing in tune, he would be so out of tune that my brother and I would giggle at the corner of the room. It must have been so embarrassing for him but he still brought us for singing lesson. I really miss my uncle. Over the years, we have grown apart. I guess it is because he has his own children now, and since we are all grown up I guess we have our own lives to lead. I do miss this uncle dearly. He has always been there for my mom and other aunts. Madrid does reignite the various fond memories as a child. I am not going to go on with my childhood story but I would to share with you the interesting people that I have met in Spain. The people that I have met are really famous.
On March 30, 2011, while walking to ISA office to collect the RAM for my laptop, I saw a huge crowd of people with a lot of policemen and the crowd was behind the blue police fence. As usual, hoping to capture some action, I joined the crowd and asked one of the man standing next to me what was going on. He spoke to me in Spanish but sadly, all I could understand was somebody name Carlos is going to visit Madrid. I further guessed a loud that it was King Juan Carlos, but the guy shook his head and sort of pointed to his ears and kept saying “muy feo, muy feo (very ugly, very ugly).” The lady in front of me turned back and told me Prince Charles from the UK will be arriving any minute now. What?!?! Did she said Prince Charles, Princess Diana’s ex-husband? This is going to be amazing but at the mean time I was contemplating whether should I run back to grab my DSLR or would my Panasonic point and shoot would be able to do the job. Alas, I made up my mind to stay in order not to miss Prince Charles because there could be a possibility that while I was back home to get my camera he could have arrived. I got a glimpse of the Prince and that was it. Nothing interesting but at least I could tell my kids that I have seen Prince Charles in person during my study abroad in Madrid.
Photos on that day: