Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feliz San Valentin

It is Valentine’s Day today. However, the street of Madrid goes on as usual. Valentine’s Day in Madrid is not as popular as in the US where in the US, Valentine’s Day cards are the second most sold cards in the US after mother’s day. It is such a big deal that 56% of the girls would dump their boyfriends on Valentine’s Day because they did not receive anything on this special occasion.

A heart shape lollipop from the ISA office

I thought it was a big deal in Madrid, and so today, I went to class to learn how to wish Happy Valentine’s day and guess what, it is “Feliz San Valentine”. Due to the fact that I brought it up in class, my teacher Paula asked me what are plans for tonight. Well, I just told her that I would not be doing anything and she was like.. aww that is kind of boring. She went on by saying that I am not romantic.

Excuse me, me not being romantic. Well, hell yeah when Valentine’s Day is not even big here in Madrid. I don’t even feel lovey-dovey walking to school today. It is just like any other day, nothing really special. In another class, we came across this word, enamorarse. This is the infinitive of ‘to fall in love’. My teacher went round asking us how often each one of us fall in love. My answer was pretty simple, ‘casi nunca’, which mean almost never. She was shocked when she heard me said. Casi Nunca?!?!?! No romantic, eh? Hell no, she did not just implied that I was not romantic. I have 2 classes and both the teachers think that I am not romantic. Without really giving it a thought, I jumped to my own defensive in spanglish, and this is what I said, “It is not that soy no romantico, pero soy muy loyal. Como se dice “loyal” en espanol? (It is not that I am not romantic, but I am very loyal. How do you say loyal in Spanish?).” She replied “fiel”. I continued by saying, “No me enarmoro facilmente porque yo no queiro a romper la carazon de las chicas, pero a mi me gusta ligo (I do not fall in love easily because i do not want to break the girls’ heart, but I like to flirt).” Hahahaha… Well, it is college and if my language professors are not open minded enough, they are definitely going to have a tough time with me. :P

This is how Madrid looks on Valentine's Day. Where is the love?

Chocolates plays an important role during Valentine's Day. But look how dull and undecorated this chocolate shop is.

The closest thing that would make me feel that is Valentine's Day is from this lingerie shop. This is the most decorated shop in regards to Valentine's Day in center of Madrid.

Talking about being flirtatious, I had a conversation a couple of days ago with my really close Malaysian friend of mine. She is more like a grandma to me in terms of maturity and definitely not in age (I have to type this or else I would get into a lot of trouble when she reads this, but I am sure Kenny Chan knows who I am referring to). We talked for almost 2 hours and to keep the story as precise as possible I will not go into the details but only give you the essence of the 2 hour long conversation. The only reason after so many years I still stay single is that I like to flirt with different girls and this might have scared the girl that I like.

The conversations that I had with her made me reflect upon my previous flirtatious encounters and as painful as it is, I must admit that she is right. It did bother me quite a bit and I shared these feelings with another of mine who is much younger. I was curious whether does age matter in terms of me being flirtatious. I was hoping that the younger generation would be more open minded and accommodating with my flirtatious behavior. To my disappointment, age does not make a difference at all. In fact, the younger the girls, the more possessive they are over the person that they like. Girls, I am so sorry to say this, but I sense some insecurity and the lack of trust in me. Seriously, I have been single for a couple of years and being flirtatious is just me. If I have a girlfriend (which I would love to have one at this very moment) of course, I would only flirt with her because my heart belongs to her. However, I am single and have been single for a couple of years now. Being flirtatious is part of knowing me. Estoy no mujerriego (I am not a playboy).

I would like to apologize sincerely to all the girls if things got slightly out of hand. It was not my intention to make you feel that way. I am really sorry for the rude comments that were meant to be jokes but did not work out the way I wanted it to and I am sorry for being full of myself because I believe that if I cannot even love myself, I would not be able to love another being. To all the girls, I am really sorry for the insecurity that you might have felt, even though I was clearly interested in you. I shall learn from the past and hopefully, I will meet someone who is not looking for the perfect person, but a person who is always grateful for every second of her life because she is able to share her life with me, and accepts who I am not what she wants me to be. The important question is, “Would you give me a chance?” Happy Valentine’s Day.

PS: Please feel free to comment because it would be interesting to hear your thoughts are in regards to this post. =P

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