Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thoughts while waiting for my flight in LAX

Friends, they brighten your day regardless of how cloudy your feelings are. Many friends asked me whether my excited to go for my study abroad. There is no way of conveying the feeling that I am going through right now. Sense of excitement lingers through my mind at the thought of going to Madrid but at the same time, an overcast of sadness fills my heart. I have known some of my friends in Soka for at least 2 years and in these 2 years, they have brighten my lonely days, carry me through difficult times and was always there to listen to my honest thoughts. They existed in my life not to judge but to share the beauty of life with me. I am forever grateful for their presence in my life. It makes it harder knowing that I shall never see them as a group and our encounters will always be separate. The amazing times together that I have spent with my friends will always stay in my heart as long as I live. Looking back, I wished I had more time in getting to know them. More time to learn about myself through their eyes.

Now waiting in LAX alone to walk this lonely journey to Madrid, makes miss the great times I had with them. I have always been really close to the Class of 2011 and the day before I flew to Madrid, Jolie Tea threw a Study Abroad farewell party for me. I have to admit, she is the party queen and party organizer for any event. I am honored to receive this special treatment. Beer pong and a glass of Sangarie to start the party. The plan was to make me drunk in order for me to sleep better during my flight to Madrid.

We drank and drank non-stop. Cans of beer piled up like the pyramids in Egypt. The buzz kicked in instantaneously as we enter the second round of beer pong. I have been partner Julius for the past couple of nights, naming ourselves the green team. After that, the party moved to a new destination. This time, Jolie is more determined than ever to make sure that I am drunk before boarding the plane. During King’s Cup, she would purposely lose in order to drink and because I was her drinking mate, every time she drank, I drank too. It was torturous; I was on my knees begging her not to drink anymore because before we started Kings Cup, I had to drink 2 pints of beer mix with some other kind alcohol. Since it could possibly be my last time drinking with the mates, I just did it. By the end of Kings cup, I ran straight into wash room and throw up the peanut sandwich that I ate before party. Jolie was smiling from ear to ear knowing that she has succeeded in making me throw up. This is the first time I actually threw in campus.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I am going to miss all of you especially 2011, just wanted to let all of you know that I really appreciate your friendships. I am definitely going to miss the great times with great friends.

It made it harder for me to leave for my study abroad when a group of close friends sent me off. Jolie sent out an email telling everybody to wish me goodbye. I am touched that friends came to send me off to Madrid. At least I knew that I mean something to them as much as they mean something to me. It is always to say goodbye. I held my tears trying to be as calm as possible but deep down my heart was aching with sadness that this might be my last time seeing some of them.

Anri was kind enough to send me to the airport. The moment when Hideto saw Anri’s car pull up at the 1st floor of 380. He asked me, “What is your relationship with Anri?” I just told him something special. Well, Anri is definitely going to be in some Soka rumors. J

My Boeing 747 British Airways has just pulled in. I have another 2 hours before boarding due to an hour delay. I hope I am able to make it and not miss my flight to Madrid.

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